"When we look at trades for the top non-pegged pairs and break it down into trade sizes, we see that for trades that are less th

17 Oct 2023, 16:01
"When we look at trades for the top non-pegged pairs and break it down into trade sizes, we see that for trades that are less than $100 RFQ accounts for almost 90% of all of that volume." Listen to @ewokafloka break down how RFQ performs for the top traded pairs 👇

Same news in other sources

0xZRX #175
17 Oct 2023, 16:01
Dive deeper with our report on RFQ performance and learn how to tap into RFQ liquidity with one simple parameter:
Dive deeper with our report on RFQ performance and learn how to tap into RFQ liquidity with one simple parameter:.
Dive deeper with our report on RFQ performance and learn how to tap into RFQ liquidity with one simple parameter: